I recently had the opportunity to photograph this amazing RV-7 aircraft whist in flight.
This particular RV-7 is hangared at the Herberton Aerodrome. The weather was not ideal for the coastal flight that was planned, so we headed west and ended up at Chillagoe.
The 2 seat aircraft is powered by a rotary engine.
I don’t know much about planes… so the detail about the Aircraft below are courtesy of Wikipedia.
The Van’s RV-7 and RV-7A are two-seat, single-engine, low-wing home-built airplanes sold in kit form by Van’s Aircraft. The RV-7 is the tail-wheel equipped version, while the RV-7A features a nose-wheel.
Range: 1,239 km
Length: 6.2 m
Top speed: 351 km/h
Wingspan: 7.7 m
Weight: 504 kg
Engine type: Lycoming O-360
Unit cost: 41,000–97,000 USD (2008)