beveragebusiness photographerbusiness photographycafe photographyCairns Food PhotographyCairns photgraphercaptured by CatherineCatherine Coombscocktail photographyDrink PhotographyFoodfood photographyMacrophotographer cairnsrestaurant photography Cookbook ready Cupcakes…and tea I've been thinking about cupcakes since I completed this assignment, but can you blame me?…Catherine CoombsJanuary 5, 2020
beveragebusiness photographerbusiness photographycafe photographyCairns Food PhotographyCairns photgraphercaptured by CatherineCatherine Coombscocktail photographyDrink PhotographyFoodfood photographyMacrophotographer cairnsrestaurant photography Beverage Photography I really enjoyed photographing this range of drink recipes as I was given complete freedom…Catherine CoombsDecember 30, 2019
business photographercairns photographerphotographer cairnsproduct photographerproduct photographyprofessional photographerwhite backgroundWhite background product photography White background product photography Products photographed on white backgrounds are perfect for eCommerce, websites, catalogues and social media. These…Catherine CoombsNovember 25, 2019
business photographerbusiness photographybusiness portraitCairns photgraphercorporate photographyElevating a personal brandhead shothead shot photographyhead shotsLinkedIn Head ShotPersonal Brandingprofessional head shotsSocial Media Photography Nailing your personal brand with a social media photographer A great social media profile has great images. It’s kind of like cake with cream,…Catherine CoombsDecember 20, 2018
business photographerbusiness photographybusiness portraitcairns photographercorporate photographyElevating a personal brandEntrepreneurhead shotPersonal BrandingSocial Media Photography Professional headshots: the new ‘must-have’ for business Selling your 'face' used to be something done only by popstars, celebrities and Instagram influencers.…Catherine CoombsNovember 10, 2018
business photographerbusiness photographybusiness portraitcorporate photographyfood photographyhead shotUncategorized Professional Images to Launch a New Business or Refresh your Corporate Image When launching a new business or refreshing your corporate image, it is easy to think…Catherine CoombsApril 24, 2018
beveragebusiness photographerbusiness photographycoffeecorporate photographyFoodMacroRed Velvet LatteUncategorized How to use video to promote your cafe or restaurant With professional photography and customised videos cafe and restaurant owner can improve sales by showing…Catherine CoombsApril 12, 2018
beveragebusiness photographerbusiness photographyCairns Food PhotographycoffeeFoodfood photographyproduct photographyRed Velvet Latte Did someone say FOOD! Anyone who knows me, knows that my stomach rules my life. So why did it…Catherine CoombsJanuary 16, 2018